National Gay/Lesbian Square Dance Association
From IAGSDC History
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In 1983, the National Gay/Lesbian Square Dance Association was founded as a national organization to encourage new non-profit gay square dance clubs across the country. Renamed the International Association of Gay Square Dance Clubs (IAGSDC) at the first convention in 1984 when Squares Across the Border became the first member club from outside the US.
Harlan Kerr was the first chairperson of the National Association.
See Ten Years IAGSDC: A Collection of Pages From Our Memory Book for some of the founding documents of the National Association and the IAGSDC.
The name of the group varies in that document - versions include:
- National Association of Lesbian/Gay Square Dance Clubs
- National Gay Square Dance Association
- National Gay/Lesbian Square Dance Association
- National Lesbian/Gay Square Dance Association