Rocket City Rainbow Squares
From IAGSDC History
Jump to navigationJump to searchLocation: Huntsville, AL, USA
Started: 1991
Admitted to IAGSDC: 02 Jul 1993 as Full Member
Status: Folded, 2002
History: Founded by David Roberts, Gus Gustafson
- Taken from SquareUp! issue no.5:
- When and How the Club was Founded
- A temporary transplant from Seattle, Gus Gustafson, told David Roberts about gay square dancing. David went to the '91 Miami convention and was so inspired, he and Gus started a group called the WhoSoEver Squares. It soon dissolved and reformed as the Rocket City Rainbow Squares.
- Why Rocket City?'
- "NASA has a large installation here and participates in the design and testing of everything from the Saturn 5 to the Space Shuttle and Space Station." Huntsville is also home to "Earth's Largest Space Museum."
Classes: Basic through Plus
Club Caller[s]: David Roberts, Paul Place, Bob Christian, Clara Welch
Levels: Mainstream, Plus
Dance Location[s]: Westside Community Center, Unitarian Universalist Church of Huntsville
Fly-Ins Hosted:
Conventions Hosted: