Something Pretty

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With the Good comes the Bad

As many of you may know by now, Mike Blizzard, 54, suffered a heart attack as a result of failing health and passed away at his Munster, Ind., home July 16, 2010. Mike was a long standing member of the Chi-Town Squares and a highly recognizable face in the Chicagoland area. For years, his unique brand of humor, honesty and biting wit spread smiles to the many people he had touched in his life. At the wishes of his relatives, a memorial service was held in Chicago on July 31 for family, work associates, fellow Chi-Town members and the Chicago Community at large. Mike’s good friend Dana Mee along with the family and close friends who had been helping Mike for the past few months put together a remarkable event at Ebenezer Lutheran Church auditorium to honor our dear friend, now gone. Mike’s sister Lisa and his Uncle Gary attended along with Mike’s Winston and Strawn associates where Mike was a legal secretary for 13 years.

In a related turn of events, it was discovered that prominent She-Devil and former HTQ Lois Carmen D'Nominator – not being one to share the spotlight – passed away several hours later in the same town where Mr. Blizzard had taken up residence. Still under investigation, Munster police are baffled by the colorful and disorderly state of the room Ms. D'Nominator sublet from Mr. Blizzard. An odd assortment of lipsticks, powders and paints were found along side several half empty bottles of glitter fixative and flesh-colored liquid latex adhesive. Strong Final Net fumes where also detected. Mounds of cheap jewelry, garish sunglasses, Lane Bryant close-out garments, empty candy dishes and multi-colored crinolines were strewn about the room. A flag pole was found in the absolute center of the room – apparently nothing had been rotated around it. After interviewing friends in the square dance community, Munster officials learned that Ms. D'Nominator and Mr. Blizzard were well acquainted with each other.

The She-Devils and other colorful characters from the IAGSDC family are planning an additional celebration gathering to remember both of these larger than life individuals. Friends from around the US and Canada who were unable to attend the family memorial are invited to share personal stories of Mike and Lois on Saturday, September 4th, at Ebenezer Lutheran Church auditorium starting around 4:30 PM. Wear something pretty.