Grant Ito

Grant Ito
Clubs & Associations
Running Bear Squares
Squares Across the Border
Grant Ito is a relatively new face to the square dance scene and already has proven that hard work and determination can lead to the promise of a new up-and-coming caller in our midst.
Although his calling years are few, he has already been asked to call various fly-ins, graduation dances, and tips at both gay and straight functions in Canada and the USA.
He is presently working all the levels from Basic through C-1 with Squares Across the Border and enjoys them all equally. Grant is very honored to have been asked to help call the Trail-In Dance for Portland and looks forward to meeting many new square dance friends and re-uniting with all those he has met from all over North America.[1]
Quick Facts
- on the convention calling staff at
- Grant's caller profile on
GCA Caller School
- attended as a student 1998, 1999
Media Features
- appeared in the short film Square Dance Story
At Wheel & Deal, 1997
At Lights, Camera, Linear Action, 1999
At Crack The Crab, 2000
At Cloverleafs & Maple Leafs, 2002
At Star Thru The Silicon Galaxy, 2005
At Star Thru The Silicon Galaxy, 2005