SquareUp! Magazine

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SquareUp! magazine (sometimes written SQUAREUP! or SQUAREUP!) published 24 quarterly issues from September/October/November 1994 until Spring 2001. Edited by Mike Staples, it was a professional, glossy, high-quality publication on saddle-stapled heavy stock with spot-color covers. SquareUp! was subtitled "a magazine for gay and lesbian square dancers and their friends." An early subscription form promised

SquareUp's features include:
    profiles on your favorite callers and square dancers
    regular columns including opinion and humor
    convention and fly/in reports and photos
    a complete calendar of IAGSDC events
    IAGSDC news
    ... and more

The first two issues of SquareUp! were 8.5 x 11 inches. All subsequent issues were 8 x 10.5 inches. Some included "blown in" supplemental advertising.

Copyright of SquareUp! remains with the original publisher, but he has consented to it being reproduced here on the IAGSDC site and "articles may be re-printed or reused as long as credit is given to SquareUp Magazine and the article's author".

Cover Gallery


A complete list of articles can be found in the SquareUp! Register.

Issue 1

PDF of Issue 1 September/October/November 1994

On the cover: Squaring Up in D.C.

In this issue: Stars and Squares Forever, The Fun-Badge Tour: Its Ways and Means, Behind the Stage with Anne Uebelacker, A Dynamic IAGSDC Faces New Challenges In Its Second Decade, IAGSDC Calendar, All Aboard Track 2 Chicago, Stars, Thars and Cable Cars, Do-It-Yourself Square Dancing, SquareUp! - The Early Months, SquareUp! Survey Results, Friends Behind the Opened Curtain

Advertisers: Sullivan's Gulch B&B, Pink Triangle Adventures, SquareUp! Chase the Chile

Issue 2

PDF of Issue 2 December/January/February 1995

On the cover: Dancing with Altitude - Tahoe Tally Ho!

In this issue: Tahoe Tally Ho, Behind the Stage with Andy Shore, "Pass Me the Mike!", IAGSDC Calendar, Darwin, Accessories and Rainbelles, My Friend Gina Do-It-Yourself Square Dancing, SquareUp! - The Legend Continues, Ten-Year Convention Veterans.

Advertisers: GCA Callers School, Sullivan's Gulch B&B, Independence Square Meals

Issue 3

PDF of Issue 3 March/April/May 1995

On the cover: Make Tracks to Chicago!

In this issue: Fasten your Seatbelt - A Convention Preview, Sweet Home Chicago, IAGSDC Memorial Panel, IAGSDC Calendar, Geography 101: New Gay Square Dance Clubs, The Golden Boys, Do-It-Yourself Square Dancing, SquareUp! The Story Goes On and On!, Pioneers: Chris Phillips and Bill Eyler.

Advertisers: Sullivan's Gulch B&B, Pink Triangles Down Under

Issue 4

PDF of Issue 4 June/July/August 1995)

On the cover: Windy City Blowout!

In this issue: Track 2 Chicago, 1995 10-Year Medallion Recipients, Golden Boot Award Presentation, All Aboard, Personal Musings on Chicago, The Talking IAGSDC Blues, IAGSDC Calendar, Yellow Rocks in Cyberspace, Smile If You Want to Enjoy Dancing, Half-Sashayed - And Loving It, Letter to the Education Chairman, Leading the Way: Two Women in the Gay Callers Association, SquareUp! Act 12 Scene 37 Tip 3, Stars, Thars and Cable Cars Update

Advertisers: Ett McAtee, Peel-Off in the Sierras, Sullivan's Gulch B&B, SquareUp!

Issue 5

PDF of Issue 5 September/October/November 1995

On the cover: It's a square world after all, '65 Teen Idol and Square Dance Caller

In this issue: Square Dancers Take the Promenade Abroad, Outrageous Fun! An interview with Mike DeSisto, IAGSDC Calendar, Gay Caller Fees: Equal Pay for Equal Work?, The Quarterly Square Planet, Writing Home, Wheel and Deal '97

Advertisers: GLACD/SC, Hilton Audio, R&R Video International, Scares and Squares, Sullivan's Gulch B&B, Ett McAtee, 2nd Annual Women's Square Dance Weekend, Pink Triangles Down Under, SquareUp!

Issue 6

PDF of Issue 6 December/January/February 1996

On the cover: The Gender Gap - Bringing More Women Into Our Clubs, Women of the IAGSDC

In this issue: The Gender Gap, Yes, We Recruit, The Women's International Square Dance Convention, They May Recruit, But Will They Share?, Women in the Ranks, Wilde Women, Women Callers of the IAGSDC, O Most Exalted One!, The Square Planet, Hotel Sale!, Capital City Squares, Writing Home - The Sequel, Adventures in Recruitingland

Advertisers: 2nd Annuel Women's International Square Dance Convention, Sullivan's Gulch B&B, SquareUp!, Hilton Audio, Supreme Audio, Ett McAtee, GLACD/SC, R&R Video International, Capital Engraving Company, Roundup magazine

Issue 7

PDF of Issue 7 April/May/June 1996

On the cover: San Francisco Opens Its Golden Gate for Stars Thars and Cable Cars

In this issue: The Legendary "Crusin' The Castro" Tour, Weatherwise in San Francisco, Beach Blanket Babylon, My Summer Vacation in SF, San Francisco Don'ts, Adventures in Recruitingland, Square Planet, Home Home on the Internet, The Rising of High Desert Stars, Opening our Squares and our Circle of Friends

Advertisers: 3rd Annual Women's International Square Dance Convention, Hilton Audio, Ett McAtee, GLACD/SC, Capital Engraving Company, Hanhurst's Tape & Record Service, Sullivan's Gulch B&B, R&R Video International, Roundup magazine, Pink Triangles Down Under

Issue 8

PDF of Issue 8 July/Aug/Sept 1996

On the cover: Making the Right Moves in the Recruiting Game

In this issue: The Golden Boot Award (Golden Memories, Anna Damiani, Bill Eyler & Anne Uebelacker, Luis Torres, Steffany Stamper, Karl Jaeckel), Adventures in Recruitingland, The Gay/Straight Square Dance Interface, The IAGSDC: Visible at "Nationals", The Big D Longhorns & Iron City Squares, The Hidden Force: SATB, IAGSDC Calendar

Advertisers: Supreme Audio, R&R Video International, Chase the Chile, Hilton Audio, Sullivan's Gulch B&B, GLACD/SC, MicroCount Accounting Systems, 3rd Annual Women's International Square Dance Convention, Capital Engraving Company, Go Half Crazy in Arizona, Pink Triangle Adventures

Issue 9

PDF of Issue 9 October/November/December 1996

On the cover: Stars Thars & Cable Cars: S.F.'s Bayside Bash

In this issue: Stars, Thars and Cable Cars, The 1996 Golden Boot Award, Alamo City Wranglers, Adventures in Recruitingland, We Met Them In St Louis, Our Annual Family Reunion

Advertisers: R&R Video International, Hanhurst's Tape & Record Service, GLACD/SC, Hilton Audio, Capital Engraving Company, Ian Henzel, SquareUp!, Pass the Sea '97, 3rd Annual Women's International Square Dance Convention, Pink Triangle Adventures

Issue 10

PDF of Issue 10 January/February/March 1997

On the cover: Number 10! SquareUp's Last Tip?

In this issue: Wheel & Deal '97, Gay Styling, Recruiting in Southern California, Our Family Reunion - Part II, Cleveland City Country Dancers, The Rocky Mountain Rainbeaus

Advertisers: 3rd Annual Women's International Square Dance Convention (cancelled), R&R Video International, MicroCount Accounting Systems, Ian Henzel, GLACD/SC, Hilton Audio, R & J Fial Badges, Pass the Sea '97, Capital Engraving Company, Pink Triangle Adventures (cancelled)

Issue 11

PDF of Issue 11 May/June/July 1997

On the cover: Cloud 9 - the Fly-in Experience, Playing your cards right in Las Vegas

In this issue: Las Vegas!, Grand River Squares, The Fly-in Experience

Advertisers: 3rd Annual Women's International Square Dance Convention (cancelled), Hilton Audio, MicroCount Accounting Systems, Ian Henzel, R&R Video International, R & J Fial Badges, SquareUp!

Issue 12

PDF of Issue 12 August/September/October 1997

On the cover: Kris Goes Gold!

In this issue: Kris!, IAGSDC Calendar, Dallas Longhorns Honor Kris Anderson, Wheel & Deal '97, Dialing for Callers, Working Hard for the Money, Survey Results, '97 Executive Board Meeting Highlights

Advertisers: Hilton Audio, Pass the Sea '98, MicroCount Accounting Systems, Ian Henzel, R&R Video International, R & J Fial Badges, SquareUp!

Issue 13

PDF of Issue 13 November/December/January 1998

On the cover: Karl Jaeckel

In this issue: Karl Jaeckel, Master of All Trades, IAGSDC Calendar, Magic City Diamonds, Sho-Me Squares, Their Own Worst Enemy?, Why We Don't Dance Anymore, What is an Archangel?, Scavenger Scoot

Advertisers: Hilton Audio, Pass the Sea '98, MicroCount Accounting Systems, R & J Fial Badges, Weave the Rose, SquareUp!

Issue 14

PDF of Issue 14 February/March/April 1998

On the cover: Freeman Stamper

In this issue: Freeman Stamper (and Steffany), Thanks Graham!, Weave The Rose, Minnesota Wild Roses, My War Within: A Disabled Dancer

Advertisers: Chase the Chile, Hilton Audio, MicroCount Accounting Systems, R & J Fial Badges, SquareUp!, Here Comes the Judge, Weave the Rose

Issue 15

PDF of Issue 15 May/June/July 1998

On the cover: Square Dance History 101

In this issue: Square Dance History, We're Here, We're Queer, and We're Square Dancing, Bill & Ralph, IAGSDC Event Calendar

Advertisers: Hilton Audio, Chase the Chile, MicroCount Accounting Systems, R & J Fial Badges, SquareUp!, Here Comes the Judge, Load the Boat VIII

Issue 16

PDF of Issue 16 Aug/Sep/Oct 1998

On the cover: Weave the Rose

In this issue: Weave the Rose, GCA Caller School, Who Loves L.A.?, The 1998 Golden Boot Award, Edo 8s, IAGSDC Event Calendar

Advertisers: Hilton Audio, MicroCount Accounting Systems, R & J Fial Badges, SquareUp!, Philadelphia Freedom Fly-In

Issue 17

PDF of Issue 17 Winter 1999

On the cover: Classes that Work

In this issue: Truly Titanic, Like, It's 1999, Classes That Work, Western Star Dancers, Foggy City Dancers, Eighteen and Going Strong!, Letters to the Editor, Dancing in the Nude, IAGSDC Event Calendar

Advertisers: Hilton Audio, MicroCount Accounting Systems, R & J Fial Badges, Spin the Needle, Philadelphia Freedom Fly-In

Issue 18

PDF of Issue 18 Spring 1999

On the cover: LCLA!

In this issue: Convention Talk Soup, 20 Free & Fun Things to Do in LA, Baudy Bits, Club Bios, IAGSDC Memorial Panel, Japanese Square and Round Dancing, Marty Dee and Pass the Sea '99, Not Just Another Meeting, IAGSDC Event Calendar

Advertisers: Ka-Mo Engravers, Hilton Audio, Spin the Needle, MicroCount Accounting Systems, R & J Fial Badges, Aron's Square Dance and Western Wear Shop, Load the Boat IX

Issue 19

PDF of Issue 19 Summer 1999

On the cover: LCLA!

In this issue: LCLA! 1999 Executive Board Meeting Hightlights, Fluffing the Pillows in Long Beach, IAGSDC Trivia Part I, IAGSDC Calendar

Advertisers: Patrick Joseph Mattera, Hilton Audio, Ring the Bell!, Slide Thru Silicon Valley, R & J Fial Badges, Aron's Square Dance and Western Wear Shop, Load the Boat IX

Issue 20

PDF of Issue 20 Winter 1999 [sic]

On the cover: Let's Get Trivial!

In this issue: Paul Waters, The Wilde Bunch, Crack The Crab, The Petersen Fund, Let's Get Trivial!, News from the Edo 8s, IAGSDC Event Calendar

Advertisers: Patrick Joseph Mattera, Hilton Audio, MicroCount Accounting Systems, Star Thru Hollywood 2000: It's a Wrap, R & J Fial Badges Aron's Square Dance Shop, Ring the Bell

Issue 21

PDF of Issue 21 Spring 2000

On the cover: Full Steam Ahead to Crack the Crab!

In this issue: Crack The Crab, Baltimore Places of Interest, Just Ett, Hon!, Hey, Hon, What's Your Name?, Scouts and SquareUp?, Don't Cry Ovre Broken Squares, Fix Them!, First Dance of the New Year, IAGSDC Calendar

Advertisers: Crack the Crab, Patrick Joseph Mattera, Hilton Audio, Chase the Chile, Aron's Square Dance Shop, R & J Fial Badges, Load the Boat X

Issue 22

PDF of Issue 22 Summer 2000

On the cover: GCA

In this issue: Calling It Our Way, The First Caller's School, Bill Eyler on the GCA, Chris Phillips - IAGSDC Pioneer, Golden Boot Award 2000, Medallion Dancers 2000, Club Bios, IAGSDC Calendar

Advertisers: Patrick Joseph Mattera, Hilton Audio, Chase the Chile, Aron's Square Dance Shop, R & J Fial Badges, Load the Boat X

Issue 23

PDF of Issue 23 Fall 2000

On the cover: Honky Tonk High, Hon!

In this issue: One for the Books, Hon!, Make Magic, An American's Guide to Gay Square Dancing in Vancouver, One More Issue, 2000 IAGSDC Executive Board Highlights, Survey Says, A Square Tale, Independence Squares, IAGSDC Calendar

Advertisers: Hilton Audio, Alamo City Wranglers, Aron's Square Dance Shop, R & J Fial Badges

Issue 24

PDF of Issue 24 Spring 2001

On the cover: The Best of SquareUp!

In this issue: The Best of SquareUp! A Square Tale Part II, The IAGSDC Banner Dance Program, The Petersen Fund, The IAGSDC: A Resource Dedicated to Square Dancing and You!, IAGSDC Calendar

Advertisers: Hilton Audio, Aron's Square Dance Shop, R & J Fial Badges, Load the Boat XI